Absent Fan Report #2, er um #3 (Game 3)
Alcohol Free With the Usual Side Effects
By "The Absent Fan" / WRCS
Posted: July 7, 2009
"running around shoeless and falling down often without the aid of beer apparently made the undertaking worthwhile"
Verdasys softball game #2, or was it #1 or #3? Anyway, it was the first time in 2009 that people showed up to collectively try to hit a ball and run around the field. This most recent get together officially opened the season since no one showed up to play last time. Not sure why a thunderstorm would stop the event – the NFL plays in the snow.
However, the third game’s beautiful summer day was unfortunately spoiled by a league announcement specifically forbidding the consumption of alcohol at Veterans Memorial Field. This caused a huge stir in the league no doubt as several players immediately threatened to quit. And why not? Recreational co-ed slow-pitch softball without beer is like working in a 3rd-world factory without pay.
Luckily the comedic combination of players with no experience whatsoever running around shoeless and falling down often without the aid of beer apparently made the undertaking worthwhile.
Hopefully there is some video out there because there was no Absent Fan coverage of the event that management enthusiastically endorsed, encouraging everyone to remember that it doesn’t matter what the score was – just so long as we win.
The Absent Fan is an anonymous contributor to the reporting staff of Verdasys Softball. This story was not subject to the approval of the league or its clubs.